Apoxie Sculptis the toughest, strongest, sculpting clay you can use for your gourd projects. Unlike most air dry clays, large applications don't crack or shrink as the sculpting material dries, and the finished result is super hard and durable. (It's so strong that many gourders are using it as a "moldable glue" for attaching gourd pieces together.) The cured material can be carved, sanded, painted or even turned on a lathe! Unlike polymer clays, this is a two part product that hardens after mixing - no baking is required.
Use this product when strength is important - you'll be amazed how strong even the smallest details are when they are made from Apoxie Sculpt.
NON hazardous, NON Flammable, NO fumes, user friendly clay!
Safety Solvent
Safety Solvent is recommended for smoothing, texturing, and clean up of Apoxie Sculpt (It even cleans dried sculpting material!)
Similar to Apoxie Sculpt or Quikwood, PC Lumber is a two part epoxy clay that can be used for sculpting or repairs. PC lumber is a natural gourd/wood color, and is easy to use. Simply slice off the amount you want, then knead the clay to mix the material. (There is an outer layer of catalyst and an inner layer of clay; no need for measuring, just slice and mix.) This is a strong adhesive so it's great for repairs or adding pieces and parts to your gourd sculpture, but it's also a workable clay for sculpting or forming. You'll have about 15 minutes of working time, the product cures totally in about an hour.
$13.80 for a 2 oz. tube.
11 piece clay sculpting tool kit.
Each handle has a tool at each end giving you a total of 22 tools. A great set to allow you many options when working with Apoxie Sculpt, PC-Lumber and polymer clays. $13.80 each kit.
Batter-like consistency
Gripping Flexibility
Khaki color, slightly translucent
Extremely adhesive
0% shrinkage
Non-conductive / Non-flammable
Work time 1-3 hrs, 24 hour cure
Hard & Durable
Waterproof, safe for potable water
Freeze-thaw stable
Sulfur Free
Adheres to: Itself (in any stage of set up before or after curing), other epoxies, many plastics, resin, polymers, glass, metals, wood, stone, foam, & more.click here to add text.
Apoxie Paste
1 0z tube
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QuikWood Epoxy Putty
Similar to Apoxie Sculpt or PC lumber, QuikWood is a two part epoxy clay that can be used for sculpting or repairs. Slice off the amount you need, squeeze and knead to mix, and you have about 15 minutes of working time. Super strong bond for repairing broken parts or adding handles or sculpting. Natural wood/gourd color.